Apero& Science – L’olfatto e la forza della persuasione

Cari amici,

Apero& Science si svolgerà mercoledì 7 novembre 2018 ore 18:45c/o Ciani Lugano, Piazza Indipendenza 4, 6900 Lugano  http://www.cianilugano.ch/contatti

Donatella Caresano founder di Dpiù Sagl, ci parlerà della forza di persuasione del Marketing Sensoriale Olfattivo.

Le emozioni influenzano gli esseri umani, aiutano la costruzione del brand e incidono sulle decisioni di acquisto. E qual è il senso che ha più connessioni con la sfera delle emozioni? L’olfatto!

I recettori degli odori posti nel naso attivano il sistema libico che nel nostro cervello controlla le aree delle emozioni, dei ricordi e de senso del benessere.
E’ partendo da questo assunto semplice ma gravido di conseguenze che Dpiù Sagl ha sviluppato una serie di soluzioni in grado di diffondere in maniera sicura e non invasiva qualsiasi tipo di fragranza aiutando la creazione di una connessione tra profumo e prodotto o tra profumo e brand.
Odori piacevoli contribuiscono, infatti, ad una migliore percezione e maggiore memorabilità del prodotto/servizio/brand.
Perché l’olfatto è il senso più sviluppato del genere umano ed è un peccato non utilizzarlo per comunicare.

Questo e molto altro… siete tutti invitati quindi a partecipare con i vostri amici e colleghi allo speech e all’aperitivo, l’entrata è gratuita!

Apero&Science on 6th March 2018 @ Soho from 19:00 to 21:00

Dear all,

Apero&Science will take place on 06.03.18 at Soho, Steinenvorstadt 54, Basel from 19:00.

We will have a pleasure to welcome Janene Liston, graduate Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.

She will spaek about working with resistance.

Resistance is a natural part of being human. Most of us face it daily in our private and professional lives. When we look closely at resistance two things are clear. First, resistance is a plea to be heard; which means it’s an opportunity to understand another’s perspective. Second, the outcome when faced with resistance is highly dependant upon how we respond.
We’ll use mindfulness, neuroscience and somatic practices to explore how we can more successfully work with resistance.

Come on the 6th of March to discover more!!!

Please feel free to join and to bring with you friends/colleagues.

No fees at the entrance are asked, just join and have fun with us.

We will wait for you!!!

The Aperoand Team
Barbara Sorce, barbara@aperoand.com
Silvio Riva, silvio@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino, antonio@aperoand.com



Apero&Science 21 febbraio 2018 dalle 19h00 @ Hotel The View, Via Guidino 29, Lugano Paradiso

Cari amici,

Apero&Science si svolgerà mercoledì 21 febbraio 2018 c/o l’HOTEL THE VIEW LUGANO, Via Guidino 29, 6900 Lugano-Paradiso a partire dalle ore 18.45.

Avremo il piacere di ospitare Karim Notari (CEO di Entofarm) che ci parlerà di Entomofagia (cibarsi con gli insetti), del suo innovativo progetto aziendale, e molti altri aspetti di questo nuovo e interessante mercato: dalle pratiche d’allevamento degli insetti commestibili, al loro valore nutrizionale, fino ai risvolti ambientali. Sarà l’occasione per capire insieme se e come cambieranno le nostre abitudini alimentari.

Inoltre avremo il piacere di ospitare i rappresentanti di Coop Svizzera per la consegna del premio “Future Food” di Apero& per aver introdotto nel mercato svizzero della grande distribuzione gli insetti commestibili!

Non mancheranno le sorprese, quindi siete tutti invitati a partecipare con i vostri amici e colleghi alla presentazione e all’aperitivo, l’entrata è gratuita!

Per saperne di più vi aspettiamo nella splendida location dell’Hotel The View il 21 febbraio!

Per qualsiasi informazione il team di Apero& è a vostra disposizione ai seguenti contatti:

Stefano Dell’Ava: ticino@aperoand.com
Alessandro Lucchini: ticino@aperoand.com
Teresa De Nadai: ticino@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino: antonio@aperoand.com

È gradita la conferma di partecipazione.

Vi aspettiamo!


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Apero&Science on 6th February 2018 @ Soho from 19:00 to 21:00

Dear all,

we are back!!!!

Apero&Science will take place on 06.02.18 at Soho, Steinenvorstadt 54, Basel from 19:00 under the Patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Switzerland & the Consulate of Italy in Basel.

We will have a pleasure to welcome Mayank Chaubey, PhD Life Science Consultant and Edita Orascanin Sr Life Science Consultant at Randstad Professionals in Basel.

They will talk about the current LS market in CH and will be providing you good career opportunity advice to reach the success.
While Mayank will talk about positioning yourself correctly to get the right opportunity, Edita will be focusing on the current Life Sciences market in Switzerland on its different regions and industries.
Come on the 6th of Feb to discover more!!!

Please feel free to join and to bring with you friends/colleagues.

No fees at the entrance are asked, just join and have fun with us.

We will wait for you!!!

The Aperoand Team

Barbara Sorce, barbara@aperoand.com
Silvio Riva, silvio@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino, antonio@aperoand.com



Apero&Science on 29th November 2016 from 19:00 @Apawi, Rheingasse 8, 4058 Basel

aperoand_29-11-2016  Apero&Science will take place on 29th November 2016 from 19:00 at Apawi, Rheingasse 8, 4058 Basel under the Patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Switzerland & the Consulate of Italy in Basel.

We will have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Tatiana Gaudimonte, Biologist Nutritionist.

She will talk about a special new way of conceiving the diet.

Our environment is a constant source of signals to which our body and mind react in order to protect the delicate balance of our metabolism. There’s no surprise in finding that temperature changes or stress induce hormone cascades which prepare our body to face these contingencies.
Then why, talking about food, we seem to consider it mainly for its caloric content and think about our body as a mere gunnysack which gets bigger or smaller only depending on how much food (calories) we put in it?

Actually, food is a powerful stimulus of an incredibly efficient hormone-mediated signal pattern which lead our metabolism to an “accumulation” mode or to a “consumption” mode, independently from the calorie intake. That is to say that we get fatter or slimmer depending on the quality of our food and on how and when we eat it. And what about the “how much”? Well, you’ll be surprised to discover that the less you eat, the more you’ll get fat and the more you eat (high quality food) the easier you will lose fat. This surprising phenomenon is lead by our hypothalamus, which developed during paleolithic the best responses in order to ensure our survival in an environment where finding food was our daily challenge.

Come on the 29th November to discover more!!! Please feel free to join and to bring with you friends/colleagues.

No fees at the entrance are asked, just join and have fun with us.

For any information/questions please feel free to contact us:
Silvio Riva: silvio@aperoand.com
Barbara Sorce barbara@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino: antonio@aperoand.com

We will wait for you.

The Aperoand Team

Apero&Science on 11th October 2016 from 19:00 @Apawi, Rheingasse 8, 4058 Basel

aperoand-11-10-2016Dear all,

Apero&Science will take place on 11th October 2016 from 19:00 at Apawi, Rheingasse 8, 4058 Basel under the Patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Switzerland & the Consulate of Italy in Basel.

We will have the pleasure to welcome Federico Caobelli, MD at Nuclear Medicine Clinic at Universitätsspital Basel

He will talk about how molecular imaging is used to predict, diagnose and treat diseases.

The medicine is moving from diagnosing and treating the effect of a disease toward the identification and modification of precursors causing its onset. In this regard, molecular imaging plays a pivotal role thanks to the possibility of investigating the earliest modifications at a cellular level. Furthermore, it provides the unique possibility to selectively assess and treat culprit structures, limiting side effects to the entire body. Such advantages are likely to represent the future standards in the prevention, the diagnosis and even in the treatment of many diseases.
Come on 11th October to discover more!!!

Please feel free to join and to bring with you friends/colleagues.

No fees at the entrance are asked, just join and have fun with us.

For any information/questions please feel free to contact us:
Barbara Sorce barbara@aperoand.com
Silvio Riva: silvio@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino: antonio@aperoand.com

We will wait for you.

The Aperoand Team

Apero & Science – 13th of September 2016

Aperoand_13-09-2016Dear all,

Apero&Science starts again under the Patronage of the Embassy of Italy in Switzerland & the Consulate of Italy in Basel. It will take place on 13th September 2016 from 19:00 at Apawi, Rheingasse 8, 4058 Basel.

We will have the pleasure to welcome Kristina Goncharenko, scientist at University of Basel.

She will talk about how the body react to the stress.

Our bodies are exposed to oxidative stress on a daily basis. Therefore it is essential for the body to prevent the damage caused by free radicals. In order to counterbalance the effect of oxidative damage, the human body is equipped with a variety of antioxidants and vitamins. One of these vitamins which was discovered a century ago but ignored until recently is called ergothioneine. Why ergothioneine is an important antioxidant, you can discover on the 13th of September!!!

Please feel free to join and to bring with you friends/colleagues.

No fees at the entrance are asked, just join and have fun with us.

For any information/questions please feel free to contact us:
Barbara Sorce barbara@aperoand.com
Silvio Riva: silvio@aperoand.com
Antonio Putrino: antonio@aperoand.com

We will wait for you.

The Aperoand Team

Apero & Science – 7th June 2016

Aperoand_07-06-2016Dear colleagues,

the 7th of June there will be the next Aperoand event in Basel.

We will have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Steffen Müller, Senior Lecturer at ZHAW School of Management and Law.

Take this opportunity to share and join us and bring your colleagues @ Apawi in Basel in Rheingasse 8 from 19h00.

We remind you the entrance is free of charge and there will be a welcome drink.

In case of questions, please feel free to contact us.

Silvio : silvio@aperoand.com
Barbara : barbara@aperoand.com
Antonio : antonio@aperoand.com

We will wait for you.

The Aperoand Team

Apero & Science – 24 November 2015

12003860_425673980969853_8551811567084304943_nDear colleagues,

the 24th of November there will be the next Aperoand event in Basel.

We will have the pleasure to welcome the CEO and producer of perfumes Giovanni Sammarco. From the Latin “perfumare”, meaning to-smoke-through, perfumes have been known to exist in some of the earliest human civilizations, either through ancient texts or from archaeological digs. But what’s behind this art? In fact, perfumery, as the art of making perfumes, is a science.
How to extract the natural odorants? How to use and mix them?
To reply to these and other questions, there will be with us Giovanni Sammarco which, also, will accompany us in this fantastic organoleptic experience

Join us and bring your colleagues @ Theater Basel in Theaterstrasse 7. I remind you the entrance is free of charge.

In case of questions, please feel free to contact us.

Silvio Riva, silvio@aperoand.com. We will wait for you.

The Aperoand Team